Oh, I-I r-rarely think.
If you think about it,
you'll never find it.
Best thing to do is hang on
and trust the body.
I do.
Human beings
love each other...
in sex, in friendship,
and when they're in love.
And they cherish
other beings...
humans, animals, plants,
even stones.
The quest for happiness
and the promotion of happiness
is in all of this
and the power
of our imagination.
I'm writing a n-novel.
I don't suppose you have
the time or the inclination
to even r-r-read
a n-novel.
I've written one.
It's going to be published.
And I'm writing another.
Oh. C-C-Can I...
can I read it?
No one has read it.
None of my friends.
What's it about?
It has something
for everyone.
A b-bit like Shakespeare?
Perhaps, yes.
Please don't talk
to anyone about it.
Of c-course not.
I-I-I w-won't
t-tell a soul.
Every human soul has seen,
perhaps even before
their birth,
pure forms such as justice,
temperance, beauty,
and all the great
moral qualities
which we hold in honour.
We are moved towards
what is good
by the faint memory
of these forms,
simple and calm and blessed,
which we saw once
in a pure, clear light
being pure ourselves.
Whole grain.
Do we have whole grain
or something other?
What is "whole"?
Is it something in itself
or does it have parts?
Oh, spaghetti.
If you have a whole,
you have a whole.
Ooh, sausages.
You and me is a whole.