a specialist nursing home...
Vale House.
- Not necessary.
- Not yet.
- I'm sorry.
- N-N-Not your fault.
Well, uh... take care.
Goodbye, doctor.
Thank you.
I'm sure the country
won't go to the dogs.
Not knowing the Prime Minister's
name's not a capital offence.
I know the names
that matter.
It'll be all right.
Well, it will be
if you stop worrying.
I've got a book
to finish.
Oh, Tony Blair...
so there.
Iris, are you
I'm going to start
the scan now.
Just keep
nice and still.
Try to relax.
It'll take
about 15 minutes.
I'm very sorry.
Is Iris still...
I'm so sorry I'm late.
I don't know what's
going to happen, Janet.
I've left the car outside.
The engine's running.
- Won't be a mo.
- Right.
- See you out there.
- Yes.
John, I'm frightened.
Everyone's doing
their best.
Janet's got the car.
It'll be...