Do you know
many secrets now, Iris?
You have shown me a map
of Iris' b-brain world, empty,
and tell me that
its hidden mysteries
and all the unknown life
in there has gone,
has been wiped.
How, then, can she say things
of such a terrible lucidity?
Which bitterly empty jungle
does that come from?
We don't know.
Not we.
You... "you" don't know.
D-Don't hide, please.
Is it not
r-remotely possible
that what Iris says is
of some c-consequence, yes?
Yes, perhaps.
So, perhaps, we ought to
l-learn her language
before the lights
go out.
The lights will go out.
Yes, of course,
they will.
You all keep telling me...
us... that.
I know that. She may
even know that herself.
I'm sure
you could write it.
Just get one word down.
Iris, your notebook!
No, wait!
No, no, no, no.
Come. Come.
That's it. There.
Come on. Come on.
You walk...
you read...
paddle in the sea...
...then you'll write.
Be just like
the old days.