I see an angel.
I think it's you.
## De nos amours #
# Que reste-t-il... ##
They're under water now.
There are some drugs,
aren't there, Iris?
They don't last long.
When the f-friendly f-fog
there yawns the precipice
before you, doesn't it, puss?
They're beautiful.
Horrible, isn't it?
Horrible thing,
you there with your toes
at the edge of the precipice.
You can say
anything you like
as long as you m-make it
sound like a j-joke.
Oh, don't, John.
That's cruel.
That's where you're wrong.
It's not cruel, it's nothing,
because it's not understood.
She's in her own world now.
It's perhaps
what she's always wanted.
##... Et dans un nuage
le cher visage #
# De mon passe #
Come on.
Let's go in.
# Que reste-t-il
de nos amours #
# Que reste-t-il
de ces beaux jours #
# Une photo, vieille photo #
# De ma jeunesse #
# Que reste-t-il
des billets doux #
When do we go?
# Des mois d'avril,
des rendez-vous #
# Un souvenir
qui me poursuit #
# Sans cesse #