No. See...
Tennis thing.
Iris is getting tired, I'm afraid.
Can we have the blinds?
Dame Iris, thank you very much. Than kyou.
Well done, puss.
Dame Iris, thank you very much indeed.
It's so kind of you to come, Dame Iris.
Thank you, I like it. Thank you very much.
Is it any help?
Well to us? Yes.
It's implacable.
What does that mean?
It means inexorable.
I know what the word means -- to me. To us.
You see, words have meant everything to her.
They would still mean something?
Some thought?
It can't just be dead birds dropping.
I know what it means and,
it doesn't surprise me...
... it frightens me, but...
...and then sometimes
it doesn't frighten me and ...
...that's just as bad
because that's it winning, isn't it?
No, it's not...It won't win.
It will win.
There. It will win.
That's very kind.
Iris,wait for me.
Just keep tight hold of me and it'll be all right!