Khun Jan! Let me explain!
Khun Kaew wanted me
She told me
to tie up her hands like that
She said she'd accuse me...
...of something bad
if I didn't do it
That's enough, I understand
I think she's got you
this time, Khen
Never mind,
as long as you believe me
Jan brought me here...
...and tried to molest me!
Keep away from me, you bastard!
Khen tried to help me
and you hit him!
Oh... Khen!
Ma, stay out of this!
Are you hurt?
I give up
Are you hurt?
Ma'am! Ma'am!
You damned ungrateful bastard!
Don't believe everything she says
You don't need to remind me that
I know her too well
Kaew is my daughter
But who made her like this? You did!