where you two got married
to each other.
What the hell
are you talKing about?
Jay said you guys had
a ``Star Wars`` theme wedding...
and you tied the Knot
dressed liKe Stormtroopers.
And he says you`re the bitch,
and you`re the butch.
l`m the bitch?
Well, if we were gay,
that`s the way l`d see it.
Will you shut up?
BOY: Holy shit, dude.
The honeymoon`s over.
Oh, that does it.
l am going to do something
about these two stoner fucKs...
l should`ve done
a long time ago.
What the fucK, Serpico?
What`d we do?
We got a report of two guys...
hanging around outside
a store selling pot.
We don`t smoKe pot, yo.
No pot, huh?
What do you use this for?
What? l have a wiping problem.
l sticK those
little pieces of paper...
up my brown eye and bam!
No shit stains in my undies.
What, you don`t believe me?
Let me show you.
ChecK this shit out.
Spread my cheeKs...
so that he can see
the fucKing stinK nuggets.
Pull up your fucKing pants,
Let`s go. Let`s go.
We`re going down to the station.
JAY: What, is it a fucKing
crime to fart? MotherfucKer!
BRODlE: No fucking way.
Dante and Randall slapped you
with a restraining order?
Ain`t that about a bitch?
So, are you going to abide
by the court`s ruling...
or are you going to go
``Bandit,`` Reynolds style?
JA Y: TheJudge said if we
go within a hundred feet...
of the stores,
we get thrown into County.
You know what they
make you do in County?
Toss the salad.
l guess if you guys
really wanted...
to hang out in front
of a convenience store...
you couldJust
buy your own now...
what with all that money
you guys made.
Hell, yeah, bitch.
Wait a sec. What money?
The money from the ``Bluntman
and Chronic`` movie.
Oh, my God. Don`t tell me
you have no idea...
there`s a movie being made...
of the comic you two
were the basis for.
What? Since when?
Here`s the pulse, all right?
And this is your finger--
far from the pulse,
jammed straight up your ass.
Say, would you like
a chocolate-covered pretzel?
You see, Kids,
if you read ``Wizard``...
you`d Know that it`s
the top story this month.
ChecK it out.
JA Y: When the fuck
did this happen?
BRODlE: Well, after ``X-Men``
hit at the box office...