Since when did they start
charging for the bus?
Didn`t we used
to ride that shit...
to school every morning
for free?
This sucKs balls, man.
How come we
ain`t gettin` no rides?
HlTCHHlKER: `Cause you`re
doing it all wrong.
You gotta give the driver
a little incentive.
LiKe how?
LiKe this...
Yeah, but what happens
when they picK you up...
and you don`t maKe
with the head?
Don`t they KicK your ass
to the curb?
Sure, if you don`t
maKe with the head.
Yeah. Hey, if it`ll get me...
a couple of hundred miles
across the country...
l`ll taKe a shot in the mouth.
Yeah, but we ain`t gay.
Don`t be so suburban.
lt`s the new millennium.
Gay, straight--
it`s all the same now.
There are no more lines.
Well, there`s a line, and on
this side of it, we ain`t gay.
Hey, all the hitchers do this.
Why do you thinK
people picK us up?
lf you get a ride,
it`s expected.
l don`t care who the driver is.
lt`s the first rule in the booK.
What booK?
The unwritten booK of the road.
{Horn honKs}
Follow the rules
of the booK...
and you get where
you`re going in no time.
Excuse me.
{Horn honKing}
{Tires screech}
{Horn honKs}