do to help the animals?
Oh, you really don`t want
to help us.
What the fucK
are you talKin` about?
Sure l do.
l`d do anything for you.
l mean youse guys.
l`d do anything
for youse guys...
`cause for the lift and shit.
JUSTlCE: OK, well, um...
let me just talK
to the other girls...
and get bacK to you.
Why don`t you do that?
l`ll be right here waitin`.
FucK you, fatty.
{Door chimes}
-{Door chimes}
-ThanK you.
Whew. {Sighs}
Uh, you guys
want anything from inside?
-No, we`re cool.
-No? OK.
Just isn`t the same, is it?
This place licKs balls
compared to the QuicK Stop.
SpeaKin` of licKin` balls, man,
how `bout that Justice chicK?
She is too fine.
And she smells
so fucKin` pretty.
She has a nice voice, too.
And that body--
fucKin` smoKin`.
You Know, she didn`t
tell me to fucK off once...
when l was talKin` to her...
or pull out the fucKin`
pepper spray or anything.
You Know, Lunch Box,
she could be the one.
Smooth move, Justice.
-Nice going, four eyes.
Why the fucK did you
let that little stoner...
throw Brent out of the van?