Don`t be taking
this fuckin` chimp`s side.
What if there`s more
super monKeys up at that lab?
Maybe they`re making
an army of `em up there.
Holy shit!
Maybe it`s a conspiracy,
liKe in the ``X-Files``...
JA Y: This little monkey...
could be the fuckin`
damn dirty ape...
responsible for the fall
of the human race.
JA Y: ln this world gone mad,
we won`t spank the monkey...
the monkey will spank us.
l`m not even supposed
to be here today.
And after the fall ofman...
these monkey fucks will
start wearing our clothes...
and rebuilding the world
in their image.
{MonKeys screeching}
Oh, when only those
as super-smart as me...
will be left alive
to bitterly cry...
you maniacs!
Damn youse!
God damn youse all to hell!
Not on my watch, motherfucKer.
Die, you super monKey fucK!
All right, you can live...
for now.
Did you see that shit, man?
Bitches love me.
Come on,
let`s get something to eat.
What, man, we ain`t hiding
in the woods no more.
We gotta get to Hollywood.
we`re in the clear, yo.
lt`s not liKe anyone
Knows we stole the monKey.
{News theme plays}
l`m Reg Hartner with an
exclusive ``News Now`` bulletin.
The ProvasiK animal-testing
facility in Boulder...
was the focus of an attacK
by a terroristic...
primate rescue syndicate
calling themselves...
the Coalition for Liberation
of ltinerant Tree-dwellers...
or simply C.L.l.T.