How'd he get to the church
and back to the diner so fast?
What the hell was he doing
with your clothes?
He drives fast, but not that fast.
Maybe he can leap tall buildings
in a single bound.
He'd have to be superhuman.
Otherwise, the smell would've killed him.
Please come back, 037, out there on East 9.
Central, this is 037. Go ahead.
You sure that's not a couple of
little pyromaniacs...
...you're escorting out there?
Go ahead.
This old church is on fire.
I'm talking burning out of control.
I'm up to my ass in Fire and Rescue,
but I can tell you...
...no one's going inside this thing
for a long time.
Incest capital of the world.
Don't be such a snot.
Don't tell me you actually like him.
I thought the waitress had dialed
the wrong number.
The guy looked like a strip-o-gram cop.
Like the missing link.
I wanna bring him to my Anthro class
for show and tell.
In sports, the national....
-That's the song!
-What's the matter with you?
The words are the same.
where did you get those eyes...."
What is the matter with you?
That's the same song
that lady on the phone was playing!
These kids say the vehicle chased them
doing over 100, go ahead.
A preliminary came back on that dust
you took off the car handle.
It's dead skin.
Long dead. That's why it was powder.
Say what?