Do you promise to use your powers
for good and not evil?
Yes, Ultra Lord.
Now, Counterpart, take this Ultra Mask
and lead the fight for justice.
Is this kid with anyone?
Go, Carl.
Now that's what I call a ride.
Let's go.
This is way beyond awesome.
Just think if you boneheaded
dweebs had listened to your parents,
you'd be home in bed
instead of riding this monster.
I tell you, he's fine.
Just a quick peek, Hugh.
There. Now, what did I tell you?
Jimmy, are you awake, dear?
Yes, Mother. I am awake.
Son, your mother and I
just wanted to say good night.
Yes. And to tell you that we love you.
Honey, I know you're upset.
We don't like to punish you.
You're such a special boy.