OK, so you made a mistake.
Beating yourself up
isn't gonna fix anything.
You know, I was the smartest kid
in school until you came along.
And I admit you know more
about some things than I do.
But I know one thing
that you don't seem to get,
and that's that we're never
getting outta here without you.
So why don't you buck up, mister,
and put that big brain of yours
back to work?
Nick can handle the fighting stuff,
but first we have to get out of this cell.
Cindy, why are you being
so nice to me?
Because there's a bunch of kids
in here that need you.
And I do, too.
I am never complaining
about my parents again.
We didn't even get our one phone call.
That's it!
Libby, let me see your cellphone.
OK, but I don't think my service plan
covers anything
outside our solar system.
- Who are you calling?
- A friend of mine.
All right, little Earth doggy.
Ooblar is going to take you apart
into tiny little pieces.
All right?
Hey, give me that!
Fine. We'll use this one then.
No, no, no, no, no. No!
Would you stop that? Those are mine.
That's not funny! Stop it!
And give me my things.
Come on, boy, pick up.
Good. Good.
Perhaps we'll get somewhere.