I can hang out with Ultra Lord!
And there's a petting zoo.
Well, look at this.
Let's go!
The look of Jimmy Neutron
is done with 3-D computer graphics,
so it's not like a 2-D show,
it's not hand-painted.
All the characters
are constructed on the computer.
It's like having a live-action set
in the computer.
The first thing they'll wanna see
is the animatic.
When we're designing the characters,
we'll design them on paper,
and sculpt maquettes
out of some of the main characters,
and then the modellers can take those
and build the same thing
in the computer.
We can make modifications right there
in the computer, and it works great.
Engaging pulse rockets now!
We love the "squash and stretch" and
action of the Looney Tunes heritage,
and to take Looney Tunes into CGI
and make a cartoon-animated world
that takes advantage
of what computer graphics can do,
you've got something
very different and very special.
It's original, it seems to me,
the art for this.
It's extraordinary, animation today.
Whereas once upon a time we were
used to a classic style of animation,
now you never know
what you're going to see.
How many times have we told you
not to launch yourself off the roof?
Probably nine.
Exactly nine. They say repetition
is good for a developing brain.
Jimmy's parents are fantastic because
they accept the fact that he is a genius.
I received a message from outer space
but it was garbled in the ionosphere...
Message from space? Wow!
They're great characters in themselves,
cos his mom can fix the car,
and she's obviously
the engineering part of the family.
The father has sort of
a wide-eyed innocence himself.
He loves the toys in the cereal box.