Then I got lucky.
I got myself a real important job
in advertising.
Molar World. Walk-ins welcome.
There you go.
Molar World. One for the kid? Sure.
What's up?
Oh, my God!
Competition, orange '67.
This thing's a Hemi!
Ma'am, are you selling this car?
Literally just went onto the market.
Well, how much for it?
What do you got?
Practically nothing.
I'm looking for my parents.
They lost me at the Grand Canyon
more than ten years ago.
All my money goes towards that.
I don't have pictures of them.
You don't even have a picture?
Well, you know, my ex-husband,
before he died...
Oh. I'm sorry.
No. I killed him.
He used to beat me.
So one night I just pushed him
into the wood chipper.
Told the cops he fell.
Good for you.
But he used to be a police
sketch artist. He was damn good too.
Victims gave him the worst descriptions
and he'd draw them like photographs.
He could do anything.
You know? Like age progression and-
That's what I'll do for my parents.
How much that cost?
About 360 bucks.
Then that's what I need to make.
Thank you.
Sorry I can't buy your beautiful Hemi.
Oh, no. You can.
Give me what's in your pocket
and she's yours.
For real?!
You hear that, Charlie?
We got us a Hemi, brother.
That lady gave me a great idea.
Dirt! Storm's coming in!
Get up on that roof
and put some bricks in the tooth!
My tooth!