Why do I have to spend
weekends with them?
Can't we just drive by
every Saturday and wave?
Your mom's a little eccentric.
Think of her as an exotic flower.
- And that made you what? Dirt?
- Nat, she's your mom.
Let's get started on this
"Take Your Daughter to Work"thing.
I'm supposed to interview you,
and then write a report for school.
All right, let her rip.
Okay. Ah--
Did you always know you wanted to be
a video communications specialist?
Actually, at first
I wanted to be Batman.
But he had no powers.
AndAquaman-- I don't like water.
So Spider-Man--
That's what I always wanted to be.
- Dad, this is supposed to be serious.
- I really don't know what to say.
I have a really great job.
But to be honest, it's not the job
I've always dreamt about having.
- I thought you wanted to be a writer.
- You're the writer, okay?
I've read your play ten times. It's
amazing! How come you only wrote one?
Writing was a dream I had
when I was a kid. And then I grew up.
But dreams are important
to hold on to! Come on!
You're gonna be a great writer.
You have that special spark.
I knowthat, but that spark is gonna
go out unless you write. Now write this.
- Hey, watch it, ass... guy.
Nice save.
- You all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
- What's his hurry?
- He's just a lunatic.
- It's so crowded.
- I think they manufacture people here.
Below, in the basement,
they make people.
- Look, look.
- Oh, wait, she's pulling out.