Joe Somebody





Joe, you look great.




- Hey, Joey.Joe-Joe!
Hi, Pat. Just trying to take care
of my emails. I got 109 of them today.

Mmm. Senor Popular.
Hey, let's take a walk.
- Where we goin', Pat?
- Uh-uh, bear with me.

You've been doing some pretty
amazing work lately, Joe.

- I have?
- Oh, you've really kicked it
into the next gear, mister.

Taken it up a notch.
That's why it is my pleasure-- no--

my honor--
to promote you!

Not to manager of media services,
as you'd hoped.

But all the way to director
of internal communications.

- That's higher, right?
- You betcha.

Hey, hey.
What's this?

An empty space
so close to the building?

Who does it belong to,
I wonder?

- No.
- Tah-dah!

Huh? Huh?
- Huh? Huh?
- Wow. Wow!

- I don't know what to say, Pat!
- But wait, there's more.
-How can there be more?

Your own key
to the health center, Club 13.

- You're official now.
- Oh, look at that.

And... Timberwolves!

Best seat in the house.
- No frickin' way.
- Oh, yes, frickin' way.




