Josie and the Pussycats

- But they're huge stars.
- I know.

Excuse me.
I have to--

- Bathroom?
- Yeah, me too.

I went before we left.
Good for you.

You should always
try to go to the bathroom
before you leave the house,

even if you don't have to--
Okay, this is crazy.
Beep-beep. Gotta gloss.
It wouldn't hide the mustache.

Honk, honk.

I should be here.
It's a ladies' room.

Nothing I haven't seen before.
Does anyone have change
for a tampon?

I'll be outside.
Does anyone else think
this is a little off?

Like what?
Like that Wyatt guy, for one.

Like how he ordered a triple
cappuccino and scooped off all the foam.

Why not just get an espresso?
Plus how he kept folding
his napkin like he's afraid he
doesn't have any real friends?

Just people who want
to use him because he's a big music guy.

Yeah. But I was talking
more about the whole record contract thing.

-It is super sudden.
-It is.

But you said it. You said
we have to go out there and
make things happen, and we did.

I know. I just think maybe
we should think about this for a second.

how exciting for you.

You'll get to go away and
make a record, and poor Alan M
wilI have to stay behind...

in Riverdale
all alone with me.

I cannot believe they let you
bring me to the city with you.


I had to tell them that
you're my guitar tech, so--

Guitar tech. Right.
You know what?
I still don't understand why you're here.
