Fact: Kids don't have bills to pay.
Fact: They don't pay taxes,
but they do baby-sit
and hold minimum-wage jobs...
that earn them wads of cash as
thick as, well, my body of work.
But these kids today aren't dumb.
They're not going
to buy just anything.
That's why the government has
been planting small subliminal
advertising suggestions...
in today's rock music.
The results?
We can now get these kids
to buy just about anything.
We can have them chasing
a new trend every week,
and that is good
for the economy.
What's good for the economy
is good for the country.
So God bless the United States ofAmerica,
the most ass-kickin' country in the world.
How can you control the rock bands?
What if they find out
about the hidden messages
in their music?
Ever wonder why so many rock
stars die in plane crashes?
Overdose on drugs!
We've been doing this
a long time.
If they start to get too curious,
our options are endless.
Bankruptcy, shocking scandals,
religious conversions.
We've created a highly-rated TV show...
just to explain what happens to these people.
The walls are mushy.
We brought some equipment in.
I assume it's to yourliking.
They're brand new.
I like this.
It's got shiny knobs.
No. No, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no.
That we do not touch.