That was way too weird.
Weird? What's the point
of being famous...
if the people you hated in high school
don't want to kiss your ass?
You're lucky.
Most people have to wait
till their ten-year reunion
for that sort of revenge.
You're just going
to have to get used to people
throwing themselves at you.
And, talking of throwing,
Fiona, the head of MegaRecords,
is throwing a huge party
tonight in your honor,
a celebration of all things Josie.
- Um, Wyatt?
- Hmm?
- Don't I get one?
- Oh, that is strange.
Why don't you come along too?
There's always room
for one more.
How about us?
Wow. A party.
That's, um--
That's, uh--
That's kind of cool.
But is it as "kind of cool" as playing
your own stadium concert?
Oops! I promised Fiona
she could tell you. Damn.
We're playing a stadium concert?
This weekend.
Shouldn 't we maybe play
some small clubs first?
Maybe do a few gigs in Europe.
Build a following.
You have a following.
Honestly, "J."
I wouldn't send you out there
if I didn't think you could deliver.
It would only make me look bad
But this is the whole deal:
simultaneous pay-per-view
web cast, live streaming video,
millions of little people
paying good money just to watch you.
Well, I'm sure
your bandmates are tres excited.
Right, Melly-Mel?
Our first concert ever.
Thanks, Wyatt.
Don't thank me.
Thank Fiona.
It washer idea.
It's been part of her plan
for you from the start.
Operation Big Concert,
where we finally take things
to the next level.
When Josie and the Pussycats
play their stadium concert,
all the kids in the audience,