The guy said everything's fine.
What'd I tell ya?
-Good mornin'.
-How are you today?
Pretty good.
How are you?
- Where are you boys from?
- Originally, New Jersey.
- U h-huh. What are you doi n' here?
- We're drivin' cross-country.
- My brother-- Yeah, Lewis.
- Your brother?
- Where is he?
- In the room. I don't know.
We had a little incident here
last night. Did you hear anything--
any sounds, or anything
out of the ordinary?
Yeah, actually, uh, uh, next door
I heard some sounds.
-Next door?
- Yeah.
-Could you describe those sounds?
- Yeah, sure.
They were like, uh--
No, wait.
Like that.
- What's goin' on?
- All right, this is Lewis.
There was a "sitchy-ashun"
Iast night. That's all I know.
So after you heard these sounds,
uh, did you look out your window?
- Did you open your door?
- No, sir.
- What happened?
- After you closed your door,
you didn't see anybody else until
I knocked on your door this morning?