My own personal file of ongoing shit
that I got to deal with.
And now, guess what?
Now, I got me another one.
Mr. Ronald Ellinghouse...
Layin' two inches from dead
in my jurisdiction.
Why? Because you sorry-ass punks
thought you'd have some fun.
I'd keep you retards in custody
if I thought it would help answer...
one of the hundreds
of new questions I got.
But, no. All you know
is his damn C.B. handle.
And maybe he drives a truck.
Doyou understand the kinds
of shit I got to grapple with now...
because of what
you assholes did?
You! You got out ofjail when?
I want you outta here.
This is like an old-fashioned western.
I want you out of Wyoming
before the sun goes down.
I can't believe it.
I can't believe you told them that...
we invited Rusty Nail back.
They could have
thrown me back in jail.
A man is half dead
because ofwhat we did.
Oh, bullshit.
What, you order ten pizzas
foryour neighbor...
a delivery guy gets there and
your neighbor opens up with an AK-47.
- Is that your fault?
- Yeah, maybe it is.
Be the martyr all you want.
No, that's not what I'm doin'.
I'm trying to figure how I'm gonna
drive away after what we've done.
Do what I do.
Just remind yourself that
in 1 00 years, you're gonna be dead.
It's the closest thing
I've got to a philosophy.
No, you know what? I'm taking you
to Denver, and that's it.