De Veyre...
Do you believeJoan is mad?
It suits Don Ferdinand
that his daughter is mad.
And do you believe
that it also suits me?
That is not the question.
Who does Joan want for king?
Her father or her husband?
For the moment, you have
the father's permission
to declare that
his daughter is mad.
Congratulations, Sire.
Leave us, Elvira.
Come here.
You are frozen.
- Do you feel unwell?
- No, Madam.
- Are you jealous?
- I don't know.
As all women are, I think,
Your Majesty.
What do you think of jealousy?
Jealousy accompanies love, Madam.
That's the saying.
I believe it's even more than that.
I believe you aren't in love
if you aren't jealous.
Come close.
They say that you know a spell
for provoking jealousy.
No, Madam.