How low?
I'm no aviation expert, but a heck
of a lot lower than anybody else.
From what I understand,
it's pretty much whatever we want.
That's hard to believe.
Through my business dealings,
import-export, emerging markets...
...I've made a lot of friends in high places.
In this case, the Costa Rican government.
Dr. Grant, you have no idea...
...how important it is that you come along.
It would make all the difference.
Mrs. Kirby, I...
And, of course, we'd love to make
a contribution to your research here.
...I could write all kinds of numbers
on this cheque, Dr. Grant.
Tell me...
...what's it gonna take?
Even with what I pay you,
couldn't you afford a better bag?
No way.
This one's lucky.
Couple of years ago,
some buddies and I went hang gliding...
...off these cliffs in New Zealand.
And this big updraft came and swept me
right against the side. Wham!
That does sound lucky.
It was this strap alone that saved my life.
Got hooked on a rock as I was falling.
Reverse Darwinism.
Survival of the most idiotic.
Alan, I want to thank you
for bringing me along.
The bones will still be there
when we get back.
That's the great thing about bones.
They never run away.
And truth is, you got me into this.
And I have no intention
of being on my own with these people.
Don't get too excited.
Chances are, we won't see a thing.
Your turn to be nice.
Wake me when we get there.