Go go go!
Got ya!
I hit it, Pochi! Fetch!
Around then I started to wonder,
What makes a happy family?
We say family but each is an individuaI.
With their own dreams and probIems.
It's said that nature and
nurture infIuence how we grow up.
With my famiIy, I know I'II
grow up to be reaIIy cooI.
You made fun of my divorce.
Did not.
You did, just now.
Did not
Did so
Don't push!
Grandpa was a department
store shoes saIesman.
Working hard, pIanning his retirement.
Stop, you two! Act your age!
Then, just Iike that, he was Iaid off.
When he was reaIIy down, someone toId him.
They're going to buiId a major road.
When it's done, tourists wiII fIock here!
SoId on the idea, he bought this pIace.
And practicaIIy forced us aII
to run it as a guest house.
He and Grandma Terue
met and married at work.