There's no need.
What are you doing?
Masayuki! Sheet and rope!
We shouId caII the poIice...this won't work.
We can't get him through the haII.
Maybe Iower him down from here?
Chop up?
What do you think?
Do you reaIize what you're about to do?
Let's not.
It couId expose the other one.
Not over!
Just do as I say.
How come we onIy get guests Iike this!
What's the deaI with these dead bodies!
We must save our guest house.
You're crazy.
Guest house, buIIshit!
This pIace has no future.
Masayuki! Stop it.
I started this
so we couId aII work together.
I'm not going to Iet this ruin it.
You aIways say for everyone's sake.
But your seIfishness
dragged us aII up here.
Don't you feeI any responsibiIity?
I didn't drag you here.
You don't know my dreams,
how dare you!
If you want to Ieave, then go.
There's no going back.
Nonsense, idiot!
Masayuki! ApoIogize!
AsshoIe! I have thought about it!
We have to do this for everyone's sake!