I kiIIed her because I Ioved her
What do you know, you bastard?
How can you understand
Nobuko and me?
Stand up!
Nobuko, I'm sorry.
Hey, hey
Did you Iove Nobuko so much?
Me too.
I Iove Terue more than
anything in the worId.
I can understand your Iove.
So you can understand how I feeI too.
So pIease Iet her go.
I beg you.
The woman you are squeezing
so strongIy now.
Isn't your wife.
She's my beIoved wife.
PIease understand.
I beg you.
Shut up!
Ok, then take me hostage instead.
Take me instead.
Shut up!
I beg you.
I beg you.
I beg you.
I beg you.
I beg you.