We took this from Tak Mun-bae.
It's less conspicuous for
ambushes or tailing someone.
- Know how much it costs?
- How much is it?
About 100 million won.
My salary for several years.
What a crazy world.
Should I ram it?
Jae-young, pack everything?
- Yeah.
- Take your pills?
Did you lock the door?
Think that's all of them?
Take care of that car.
What about you?
Climb a wall for old time's sake.
Did you turn that girl
down because of money?
It's one reason.
Just asking.
She just looked really desperate.
They all try to look desperate.
Don't make an illegal turn.
Come on.
Why are you breaking the law?
Someone's tailing us.
Don't look back.
Is it a cop?
It's too nice to be a cop's car.
It's too luxurious
to be a rent-a-car.
Seoul 65