[ Sighs ]
You did a very good job.
I used to sew up pigs.
That was my specialty.
Used to have this big, fat mama sow,
and she tore herself along
the barb wire when...
she was trying to get to the other side
of the fence to get at these apples.
- You gonna be around long?
- No. I go home as soon
as my business is over.
Hmm. And so,
what is your business,
- if you don't mind me asking?
- Shrimp.
Oh, yeah.
Pretty aggressive shrimp.
You should probably be
more careful.
- No wife?
- No.
Haven't met the right girl,
I bet.
- Right?
- My work-- It's hard to meet any girls.
Any interest in
an ex-junkie hooker...
who can cook, clean, sew
and who likes Chinese food?
No, thank you.
I'm just kidding.
Hey, look.
See? My daughter.
- My angel. Sweet, huh?
- Yes.
Why do you do this kind of... job?
[ Sighs ]
There was this guy, and, uh,
I met him after I had my baby.
And where I come from, girls without
husbands just do not have babies.
And if they do, well,
it's kinda hard on 'em.
So, anyway, this guy I met--
He's this French guy.
He's really cool
with this great accent...
and always talking about art and books
and movies and everything.
And, boy, when you're, you know--
When you're young and really desperate,
you know, this--
And this guy could really--
I mean, he could talk. You know?
And so-- I don't know.