Koroshiya 1

l dreamt about Ms Tachibana.
Who helped you when they bullied you?
The girl that got raped?

When they raped her
she cried for me to help her.

But my legs were shaking so violently
that l couldn't move.

l still dream
about how she cried out.

You wanted to save Ms Tachibana
so badly?

l felt like raping her.
Surely you wanted to save her?
She wanted me to rape her.
lchi! Open your eyes, damn it!
Why would Sailor
do such a thing to me?

Who are you talking about?
Why would Sailor
do such a thing to me?

Get a grip on yourself, Ichi.
Huh? What's the matter?
You've been expelled
from the Syndicate, haven't you?

Letting you in puts me in jeopardy.
