Not too lonely?
That'll soon change, I fear.
Are you in pain?
You're not the kind to complain.
This is the plan:
We'll feed you to build you back up.
I'll operate in a few days,
to tidy you up.
Then a long rest
before we move onto serious things.
You're in no hurry to fight again?
Does that hurt?
Arms or legs are easy,
we just lop them off.
Ajawbone is different.
A bone graft may well take.
It's fascinating work.
More for me than for you, of course.
Concentrate on two things:
breathe well and eat well.
I'll see to the rest.
In a few months,
you'll be as right as rain.
I'll be in to see you every morning.
Give him morphine if he's in pain.
But don't let him get used to it.
It's in short supply.
Good-bye, lieutenant.
If you want to say something,
write it down.