"We were at the window like children.
"Two nurses threw snowballs.
"We almost went and joined them.
"Our uncle came.
I warned you they'd turn him away.
"He left me some ham,
sausage and tobacco.
"I shared it with the others.
"Pierre, a pilot,
Henri, a Breton,
"and Loiis, a new arrival."
I've brought you some cigarettes.
Nice smell?
"We had a proper Christmas.
"I'd have liked to be with you.
"Bit the nirses, especially Ana¨is,
"helped us forget
the war and the ward.
"I forget I've been woinded."
How's the graft taking?
You'll have a Greek nose.
No, a Jewish one.
All right...
So my mother will know me.
She'll know you, I promise.
Open your mouth.
What's your name?
Did you hear that?
You will too. I'm operating tomorrow.
A baby died last night.
They're preparing everything.
You'll wake tomorrow
with a brand-new mouth.
It's a world first.
Medicine is making giant strides.