This weekend the Loco ban
will be lifted.
Come with me.
Don't tell me you
wanna go diving again.
No, no. Ever seen a rich diver?
No. That's not the business.
l want to buy now.
-Yes. -What with?
With Mr. Yukio's money.
He buys and sells fish and seafood.
We can convince everyone in town
to sell him their production.
We don't even have to dive. We get
a percentage. What do you say?
-lf it's that easy, what do you need
me for? -Because l need...
...someone reliable.
A good captain.
Who better than you?
You're my friend.
No way, man.
l'm alright here.
Jorge, believe me,...
...this is clean business.
Same thing you said last time,
lt was a pleasure, Jorge.