Welcome ifyoujoin us now...
...on AM 27 of your dial and remind
you that there're only hours left...
...before the lifting of the ban on
our precious resource:...
...the Loco.
And now, some
public utility adds.
Message to Mrs. María Cárcamo
in Ronchi lsle:...
You may start making preparations.
As soon as l get back, we'll...
...get married. Order a calfto
Paredes. l'll pay them as soon...
...as l get there.
Love you.
l'd love to stay for breakfast...
...but l have things to do.
l promise l'll be back
as soon as l finish.
What is it?
Are you mad at me?
-lf anything bothers you...
No, l'm alright.
Don't worry.
Message to Mansilla Cerón family
in Melimollo.
After the Loco's crop,
we'll meet in Puerto Aysen...
...to buy the newengine for
the boat. Tell his brotherJosé...
...to buy a yoke ofoxen
from Don Anselmo,...
...he'll pay for it.
Your son Alberto.
lfanyone hears these
...please inform
the addressees.
And, to encourage our divers...
...in the beginning ofthis hard
day coming, here's some music.
Take money and go buy some
hakes. Choose the best, ¿ok?