La Pincoya Restaurant.
Menu of the day:...
Fresh fish and rice
$1 ,500
Hi, sweetie, l'm here.
Singingjoyfully, Lord.
they're coming, Lord.
Those who pass through
this life, Lord,...
...sowing your seeds ofpeace
and love.
Alright, girls, go wash your
rosebuds, vacations are over.
ln the name of the Father, of the
Son, of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Bless, oh Lord,
these boats that will bring...
...to our wharf the
precious mollusk,...
-Bless them, Lord.
-...of which the authorities lift...
...the fishing ban.
Protect them and let...
...their men enjoy this
abundance and show...
...generosity and...
...responsibility, as well.
Don't let, Lord, misfortune
bring mourning...