-120,000, Father.
-Jorge, this one's too small!
-Throw it away, then!
Are they all the same?
-l don't know. See for yourself.
-Put them there. -$41 less.
-They're nice.
-Here they are.
What took you so long?
-Did you know they changed the
restaurant's name? -lnto what?
''Lodging Mass: bed, food and ass.''
-We ought to do something, girls.
-Yes, and it better be quick...
Yes, this is going too far.
Bernardita, close the curtain, girl.
-l haven't seen my husband for days.
-That's nothing,...
-...l haven't even seen a voucher.
-Neither did l.
-lt won't be easy for them.
-No way.
So you're finally working, asshole?
Shut up.
Do your job and l'll shut up,
Good luck.
Why are you so alone, Chinese?
There he is.