In any case,
the dress only cost 6,500.
I'll pay the remainder
back in tomorrow.
I don't understand
why someone of your standing
slaps make-up on
and fritters money away
on frocks that will soon be
out of fashion.
I'd be wearing that dress for years.
The cut was so classical.
It was ageless.
If memory serves me right,
you used to have a dress
just like it. Remember?
You must be dreaming.
It was a designer label.
The finishing was remarkable.
It would have lasted forever.
Do you still need the light?
Did they really annoy you today?
No more than usual.
Did you have the Schober girl?
lsn't Friday her day?
She's not untalented.
She has a surprising affinity
for Schubert.
Schubert's your department,
don't forget.
That's not for you to say.
You're hardly a judge
of what is my department musically.
If you want your pupils
to have a career instead of you...
No one must surpass you, my girl.