Coming. Yes?
Yes, speaking.
Why? What's happened?
- I'm here to see the principaI.
- Through there.
Come in!
- HeIIo.
- HeIIo, Mr Sermonti.
Sorry to disturb you.
Have a seat.
- Hi.
- Hi, dad.
Something very unpIeasant
has happened.
A fossiI has vanished
from the science Iab.
A rather rare ammonite.
I wouIdn't Iike Andrea
to be mixed up in it...
Are you taIking about a theft?
Yes, we suspect
Andrea and his friend Luciano.
It wasn't us...
That's what Luciano sauĂys too.
But a cIassmate
apparentIy heard them bragging
about taking the fossiI.
- Not true.
Sorry, but I have to suspend
Andrea and his friend for a week.
How much do you understand
of what I'm saying?
What percentage of understanding
is there here? 20-30%%%?
I've spent 460 hours here.
I've spent 46 miIIion Iira.
PIus, I aIways treat myseIf
to a dress after I finish here!
They do good business
with your patients.
I've asked around.
Even the food store.
I've seen for myseIf.
I shouId teII my cousin
to open a shop here!
You aIways feeI guiIty.
ResponsibIe for what happens.