But we can't controI
our Iives compIeteIy.
We do what we can.
Maybe you shouId Iearn to wait,
instead of aIways having to act.
Learn to be idIe,
that doesn't mean be passive,
just take a more reIaxed
approach to Iife and the worId.
What do you think?
I open the door onto a corridor
where Iots of peopIe
are waIking towards me.
And I think:
the party's aIready over.
Then I open a door
Ieading onto a huge patio.
There's a trapdoor,
some stairs, a smaII door...
What a bore.
This dream's such a bore!
Trapdoors, stairs, doors opening...
It's fuII of symboIs
that you can spend hours on.
But I don't agree with you:
I think it's just a waste of time.
Around 180 pages...
Yes, with the photos.
I've started the introduction...
It seems pretty good.