- Have you spoken to Andrea?
- Excuse me.
- Yes, I spoke with him.
- He toId you?
Yes, he toId me. Just a second.
Giovanni just came in.
Two weeks isn't enough.
I Iike pIaying there.
It's a good fIoor.
The baII makes a different
sound than in our gym.
How come?
Our fIoor's IinoIeum.
You know that...
It makes a duII sound
that doesn't reaIIy inspire you.
It's kind of sticky...
I Iike the sound of the baII
when it hits the racket.
- Me too. Like this...
- Like that.
What's your favorite sport,
I don't know.
Ice hockey.
Come on, if he said it wasn't him,
just forget it!
AII this fuss over a stone!
- Over a theft, you mean...
- I know what:
if he comes straight away,
it wasn't him.
5 minutes Iate:
that means it was him.
15 minutes Iate:
it was the principaI.
Maybe he even has
a coIIection at home!
Very funny: the principaI
steaIing from the schooI...
- Here I am. - Bingo!
- What's going on?
Here's your prize...
You've won.
Irene invented
a new game in your honor.
Going there
means admitting he did it!
No, I'm just trying to
understand what reaIIy happened.
He didn't do it. I spoke to him.
You know him,
he'd never even think of it.