That's good for both of us!
''My eyes are fiIIed
with fountains of cIear water.''
''Where I'II drink.''
''I seek forests for myseIf,
and sunbathed vaIIeys
warmer than you.''
''I'm no Ionger staying with you.''
''I Iook at the cIouds over there.''
''And when I go''...
''You'II have to smiIe at me,
if you can,
it won't be easy, you know,
to Iive,
you have to die a IittIe.''
''Good-bye, my Iove, good-bye,
the cIouds are aIready further away.''
There you go!
I thought it was odd.
He aIways
ends up getting distracted,
Ietting his thoughts drift.
And he starts pIaying poorIy.
he puts the baIIs out,
into the net.
CouIdn't you foIIow a IittIe?
You're reading.
You're chatting aII the time.
You know how important it is for him!
Why aren't you competitive?
Don't you ever want to win?
You Iost to Stefano on purpose.
No, I didn't pIay so weII today.
You pIay for the fun of it.
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