We didn't want to steaI it.
It was a joke.
Our teacher's obsessed by fossiIs.
We want to see his face...
We didn't want to...
It was stupid.
So that means the boy
who accused you was right?
We'd have put it back but it broke.
We tried to gIue it back together
but it Iooked terribIe.
I wanted to teII dad yesterday.
We went for a waIk.
But it was good...
He was happy.
It was a joke... I swear.
You've never understood me.
You've never had any contact.
This is the Iast time I'm coming.
She's said that for 5 years,
she won't stop now.
I can never understand
what you're feeIing.
It's no matter of method.
You're simpIy coId.
My previous anaIyst
was much Iess distant.
- I got somewhere with him.
- This discouragement isn't new.
Let's try to understand what has
happened and how to move forward.
You're not even annoyed.
You know it's aII over too.
It's not your fauIt.
It's quite simpIe:
you're the wrong anaIyst for me.
I can't do anything eIse for her.
The therapy's over.
What wiII she do?
Go to another therapist?
I've faiIed.
How much time is Ieft?
One minute.
In one minute, it'II aII be over.
- I feeI better now!
- So...
- See you on Tuesday.
- See you on Tuesday.
- Good-bye.
- Good-bye.