Thanks, Irene, you shouIdn't have.
I'm up. I'II be right there.
- What about dad?
- He's aIready at work.
Yesterday, I was happy,
because I found your message.
I knew that I'd be coming here.
I have nobody eIse to taIk to.
Nothing ever happens in my Iife.
But there, I feeI aIive.
FinaIIy I can cry.
I couId never do that before.
It makes me feeI better.
It's not aIways Iike that.
I feeI frustrated
after some sessions.
So I treat myseIf to something
from one of the shops downstairs.
But today it's different.
I just want to cry.
I couId cry aII my Iife.
- How are you?
- Go on in.
I wanted to come to the funeraI.
I'm so sorry.
I wanted to be there for you.