- Did you speak to CarIa?
- Yes.
- And?
- She's managing fine on her own.
Federico and Anna SaracineIIi?
They're Lorenzo parents,
a friend from schooI.
He came here often,
do you remember?
When do you think
you'II go back to work?
- Next week.
- Hi.
- HeIIo, sweetheart.
- How did the training go?
The usuaI stuff.
- Are you pIaying on Sunday?
- Of course.
I've been taIking
to friends at schooI.
- And to Andrea's friends.
- Yes.
I'd Iike to have a mass said.
I tried to think
of something eIse, but...
It's the Ieast sad thing, right?
- Yes.
- Okay.
Wednesday was our anniversary,
and I finaIIy spoke to him
about my obsessions.
From then on, no more dates,
no more ruIes to foIIow...
I'm through with dates!
I feeI better.
But I'm scared that
if I fight it too much,
I couId become schizophrenic,
whatever that means...
In my opinion,
there's no danger of that.
It's onIy naturaI to feeI this
anxiety, this is a chaIIenge.
I wouIdn't stop right now.