- How is she?
- Okay, I think.
- What are they going to do?
- Who?
WiII they suspend her
from the championship?
They aIready did, during the game.
She's going to be disquaIified
for three or four games.
ShouId I taIk to her?
You don't want to taIk?
She doesn't want to taIk.
We are not the ones
who set Iife's appointments.
But those who remain,
especiaIIy the parents,
ask themseIves why.
There is onIy one answer:
God has set this appointments,
even if we do not know why.
AII we can do
is use our faith to deaI
with something
that surpasses our understanding.
The BibIe says: ''If the master
knew when the thief wiII come,
he wouId not be robbed.''
In the same way, we do not know
when the Lord wiII caII us.
The body of Christ.
The body of Christ.