Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India

Read my fortune.
What is it, Kaka?
-Was Guran telling your fortune?

-He's mad.

No clue about the present
and he babbles about the future!

No, Hari Kaka.
He's not mad.

What about Durga Bhabi?
She was childless for nine years.
Then Guran said she'd have a son.

And wasn't Somu born?
What about--?

All right, all right.
That lunatic is not mad.

Now tell me.
Have you seen Bhuvan?

No, but l know where he will be.
So our little girl keeps tabs
on him?

Lakha, what is it to you?
l see! This concerns me
and l'm not to open my mouth?

Why don't you wear
wedding bangles for me?

-Lakha, what nonsense is this?!
-l really mean it.

You've grown old...
...and Gauri here
doesn't care for me.

Here, look at this. Look.
-See how badly hurt l am.

lt's my father you need, not me.
-What is it?

Lakha has a gash on his hand.
He seems to cut his hand
more than he cuts wood.

What can l do, lsar Chacha?!
l'm always wounding myself...

...very badly.
Kaka, l'll go fetch Bhuvan.
Listen, if you see him,
tell him Mother is waiting for him.

Yes, l'll tell him.
