Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India

Go on, Bhuvan.
Very good!

The end of the day's play, gentlemen.
The English team has scored
1 82 runs...

...for the loss of two wickets.
And with this, we come to
the end of the first day's play.

Our game wasn't good today.
What happened to you, Lakha?
You played so well during practise.

Practise is a different thing.
We play among ourselves.

Why are you blaming only me?
You all went gaga over Kachra.
Did you see his miracle today?

-l told you before--
-At least he tried. You didn't!

-What did he do with all that trying?
-Shut up, Lakha!

That night Elizabeth saw
a shadowy figure.

She tried to investigate.
My being in the team helped.
She was stunned to see Lakha there.
She went to the village at once
and informed Bhuvan about Lakha.
