- I don't know.
I can't find it!
It's near the fridge.
I don't know.
She's trying
to come on to me.
She's lonely, Nik.
And you're bored.
That's a lethal combination.
Stay away from her.
What's the matter?
You're a bit jealous, huh?
You ever fuck with our marriage,
and I cut your balls off.
I'll hang them on the lawn,
between your socks and your jocks.
Got it?
Sure, babe.
Wake me up
when you get home. Huh?
I'm running down
this hill,
and I go
around this corner.
And suddenly,
there's this guy, and bam!
Right into him. Right away,
I'm going after him...
"You fucking prick!
Look where you're going."
- But it was your fault.
- Well, yeah.
I don't know
why I went at him.
It was just... my buttons
got pushed or something.
so I look down,
and there he is,
on the ground, cowering.
- Huh?
- He's got blood on his face...
- and he broke his fucking nose.
- Oh no.
And he gets up and
he starts to role-play.
- And that's when it happens.
- What?
- He starts to cry.
- What for?
I don't know.
What makes a man cry like that?
Yeah, a lot of things.
So what did you do?
I just held him.
I just stood there
and I held him.
But the whole time
I was thinking,
"You fucking weak prick,
pull yourself together."
- Don't you want to cry sometimes?
- Yeah, but...
- you don't, do you?
- Mmm.