Lavoura Arcaica

I preferred to remain
buckled up before her...

as if nothing was the matter.
I had nothing to say,
but she wanted to say something...

and I thought:
"Mother has something to say
that I might listen to.

Something perhaps that
should be saved carefully."

But all I could hear
without her saying anything...

were the cracks
in her old chinaware womb...

I heard in her eyes a desperate
cry of a delivering mother.

I felt her fruit drying
under my hot breath.

But I couldn't do anything,
my eyes were darkened.

Still, I could have said:
"Mother, you and I have begun
to ruin this house.

The time has come to throw
out the window...

all the dishes and the flies
of our old cup board..."

But I've already told
you Pedro, my eyes...

were darker than
they'd ever been before.

Me, the wayward son...
It was not of roads
that I dreamt of.

I'd never thought
to leave home.

I never thought of running afar
searching for sensual thrills.

I knew, dear brother,
from the most tender age...
