Lavoura Arcaica

nor did my respect for the
ancient sayings.

I had to scream in furor
that my madness...

had more wisdom than
Father's wisdom.

That my illness suited me better
than the family's good health.

That my remedies had never
been mentioned in the books.

But there was another
medicine. Mine.

I recognized no science
except my own...

and everything was merely
a matter of perspective.

Only my point of view held
any meaning whatsoever.

I wanted to tell him only
a satisfied person would

test the virtue of patience
with other people's hunger.

I had to say all this
in a verbal fit...

turning upside down
the sermon table.

Destroying clamps,
bolts and moorings.

Establishing a different balance,
and gathering strenght...

to go higher and higher.
Tightening mainly my
clandestine muscles...

rediscovering at once
the beast in me,

My hooves, jaws and spurs...
letting the oily grease coat my
sculptured self as I galloped...

with my feathered mane
flying like feathers.

Stepping with my sagittarius
paws the soft belly of the world.

Taking from this pasture
a grain of wheat...

and a fat slice
of wine-soaked wrath.

Me, the epileptic.
The possessed, crazed epileptic.
Me, the starved,
rolling in my convulsive speech...

the soul of a flame.
A veronica cloth
and a squirt of mud...

mixing the salty name of our
sister into this flowing broth...

the perverted name of Ana.
Such shivering...
So many suns...
Such agony.
